
Main Entries - sample 1 sample 2 sample 3 - Here are several sample pages of main entries taken from among the 50,000 titles. Notice especially the various fields of information, the family tree to which various titles belonged, the Location field, and the title page graphics.

Places Index - sample - Here are several sample pages from the Places: Town Index. Both town and county are indicated, which is convenient in those cases where the same town name appears in various counties. This index also indicates if a title was ever published outside England. (The Waterloo Directory also provides a Places: County Index.) The volume, page number and dates of each main entry are provided.

Issuing Bodies Index - sample - Here are four pages of the Issuing Bodies Index, which lists periodicals published by 4,572 Issuing Bodies, together with the dates of each such periodical. This index illustrates a fascinating aspect of the sociology of nineteenth century Britain The volume, page number and dates of each main entry are provided.

Subject Index - sample - Here are four pages of the Subject Index, which lists 765 subjects, which is based on Sears List of Nineteenth Century Subjects. Notice that the reader is also directed to later subjects. The volume, page number and dates of each main entry are provided.

People Index - sample - Here are two pages of the People Index, which lists 48,000 names, including all names in both the Dictionary of National Biography and Modern English Biography which are associated with nineteenth century English periodicals or newspapers. The volume, page number and dates

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