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Welcome to The Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers and Periodicals:1800-1900, a subject-inclusive, language-inclusive bibliography of
73,000 publications, 68,000 personal names, 6,300 issuing bodies, 2,400 publishing towns, 23,000 title pages, 2,000 subjects. Editor John S. North.
Soli Deo Gloria

Sample Title Page

Reproduced by Permission, National Library of Scotland

"The preaching and practise of false doctrines, on the question of Bible wines, have made Bible lands the most drunken lands in the world: what an awful fact, and what a disgrace to the churches of Christendom! Bible lands are the freest of all lands from other forms of vice; so will they be the first from drunkenness, when in them the doctrine which we inculcate in the Bible Temperance Educator shall be generally taught, accepted, and obeyed, but never till then."

The Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers & Periodicals: 1800 - 1900 Series Three.
Copyright © 2009 North Waterloo Accademic Press