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Welcome to The Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers and Periodicals:1800-1900, a subject-inclusive, language-inclusive bibliography of
73,000 publications, 68,000 personal names, 6,300 issuing bodies, 2,400 publishing towns, 23,000 title pages, 2,000 subjects. Editor John S. North.
Soli Deo Gloria

Sample Title Page

Reproduced by permission, British Newspaper Library

"The principal object of this Society is to afford charitable relief or assistance to natives of the County of Dumbarton, or their children, resident in Glasgow or the neighbourhood, or who may happen to be travelling through Glasgow, and from extreme poverty, sickness or sudden emergency, may be in want of temporary aid" (Rules, no 6).

The Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers & Periodicals: 1800 - 1900 Series Three.
Copyright © 2009 North Waterloo Accademic Press