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Welcome to The Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers and Periodicals:1800-1900, a subject-inclusive, language-inclusive bibliography of
73,000 publications, 68,000 personal names, 6,300 issuing bodies, 2,400 publishing towns, 23,000 title pages, 2,000 subjects. Editor John S. North.
Soli Deo Gloria

Sample Title Page

Reproduced by permission, Cambridge University Library

The circulation increased after 1811 when Watty Cox was jailed for libel. Cox edited the journal from jail. In 1817 Cox said The Irish Magazine "attracted more of the public attention in Ireland than ever before honoured any print since the introduction of printing into that country."

The Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers & Periodicals: 1800 - 1900 Series Three.
Copyright © 2009 North Waterloo Accademic Press