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Welcome to The Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers and Periodicals:1800-1900, a subject-inclusive, language-inclusive bibliography of
73,000 publications, 68,000 personal names, 6,300 issuing bodies, 2,400 publishing towns, 23,000 title pages, 2,000 subjects. Editor John S. North.
Soli Deo Gloria

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Reproduced by permission, London University Library
Interesting Record: Magee's Weekly Packet;

John Magee, the publication's editor and printer, was sued for libel in 1789 - 1790 by Francis Higgins, resulting in his imprisonment. "By the beginning of 1790 Magee was broken both in fortune and in spirit, and his attacks on Higgins and his friends ceased. Though himself brought to the verge of ruin, he had accomplished his ends. Higgins was removed from the Commission of the Peace in 1793, and afterwards struck off the rolls" (Norgate, John Magee).

The Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers & Periodicals: 1800 - 1900 Series Three.
Copyright © 2009 North Waterloo Accademic Press